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二氧化硅对橄榄石热液蚀变反应速率和氢气形成的影响 CNKI期刊论文
作者:  黄瑞芳;  孙卫东;  丁兴;  赵予生;  李毅兵;  商修齐
收藏  |  浏览/下载:6/0  |  提交时间:2024/12/18
橄榄石热液蚀变  二氧化硅  蛇纹石化  氢气  蛇纹石  
冥古代蛇纹石化过程合成氨(英文) CNKI期刊论文
作者:  商修齐;  黄瑞芳;  孙卫东
收藏  |  浏览/下载:8/0  |  提交时间:2024/12/18
氨基酸合成  二氧化碳  冥古代  
New Indices for Better Understanding ENSO by Incorporating Convection Sensitivity to Sea Surface Temperature 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, 2020, 卷号: 33, 期号: 16, 页码: 7045-7061
作者:  Xie, Ruihuang;  Mu, Mu;  Fang, Xianghui
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The formation of the giant Huayangchuan U-Nb deposit associated with carbonatite in the Qingling Orogenic Belt 期刊论文
ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 2020, 卷号: 122, 页码: 16
作者:  Xue, Shuo;  Ling, Ming-Xing;  Liu, Yu-Long;  Kang, Qing-Qing;  Huang, Rui-Fang;  Zhang, Zhe-Kun;  Sun, Weidong
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Huanyangchuan  Qinling Orogenic Belt  Carbonatite  U-Nb deposit  
The unusual 2014-2016 El Nino events: Dynamics, prediction and enlightenments 期刊论文
SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES, 2020, 卷号: 63, 期号: 5, 页码: 626-633
作者:  Xie, Ruihuang;  Fang, Xianghui
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El Nino  Westerly Wind Bursts  Easterly Wind Surges  Operational prediction models  
A brief review of ENSO theories and prediction 期刊论文
SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES, 2020, 卷号: 63, 期号: 4, 页码: 476-491
作者:  Fang, Xianghui;  Xie, Ruihuang
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El Nino-Southern Oscillation  Mechanism  Prediction  Complexity  
The unusual 2014–2016 El Ni?o events: Dynamics, prediction and enlightenments CNKI期刊论文
作者:  Ruihuang XIE;  Xianghui FANG
收藏  |  浏览/下载:4/0  |  提交时间:2024/12/18
El Ni?o  Westerly Wind Bursts  Easterly Wind Surges  Operational prediction models  
A brief review of ENSO theories and prediction CNKI期刊论文
作者:  Xianghui FANG;  Ruihuang XIE
收藏  |  浏览/下载:5/0  |  提交时间:2024/12/18
El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation  Mechanism  Prediction  Complexity  
Origins of two types of serpentinites from the Qinling orogenic belt, central China and associated fluid/melt-rock interactions 期刊论文
LITHOS, 2018, 卷号: 302, 页码: 50-64
作者:  Wu, Kai;  Ding, Xing;  Ling, Ming-Xing;  Sun, Wei-dong;  Zhang, Li-Peng;  Hu, Yong-Bin;  Huang, Rui-Fang
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Serpentinites  Qinling orogenic belt  Mianlue ophiolite melange  Subduction channel  
Carbonated mantle domains at the base of the Earth's transition zone 期刊论文
CHEMICAL GEOLOGY, 2018, 卷号: 478, 页码: 69-75
作者:  Sun, Wei-dong;  Hawkesworth, Chris J.;  Yao, Chao;  Zhang, Chan-chan;  Huang, Rui-fang;  Liu, Xi;  Sun, Xin-lei;  Ireland, Trevor;  Song, Mao-shuang;  Ling, Ming-xing;  Ding, Xing;  Zhang, Zhao-feng;  Fan, Wei-ming;  Wu, Zhong-qing
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Carbon cycle  Carbon concentration  Elasticity  First-principles calculations  Earth mantle