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A highly stable electrochemical sensor with antifouling and antibacterial capabilities for mercury ion detection in seawater 期刊论文
ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA, 2024, 卷号: 1309, 页码: 8
作者:  Meng, Weichen;  Han, Xiaochun;  Han, Rui;  Zhang, Xinchao;  Zeng, Xianghua;  Duan, Jizhou;  Luo, Xiliang
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Electrochemical aptasensor  Antifouling  Mercury ion  Antibacterial  Antifouling peptide  
Mercury (Hg) geochemistry of mid-ocean ridge sediments on the Central Indian Ridge: Chemical forms and isotopic composition 期刊论文
CHEMICAL GEOLOGY, 2022, 卷号: 604, 页码: 11
作者:  Kim, Jihun;  Lim, Dhongil;  Jeong, Dohyun;  Xu, Zhaokai;  Kim, Haryun;  Kim, Jonguk;  Kim, Dongsung
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Chemical fractionation  Isotope  Mercury  Hydrothermal vents  Mid-ocean ridge sediments  
Deep-sea coral evidence for dissolved mercury evolution in the deep North Pacific Ocean over the last 700 years CNKI期刊论文
作者:  Yang QU;  Kuidong XU;  Tao LI;  Maoyu WANG;  Huan ZHONG;  Tianyu CHEN
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deep-sea coral  mercury  deep water  particulate organic matter  anthropogenic perturbation  
Deep-sea coral evidence for dissolved mercury evolution in the deep North Pacific Ocean over the last 700 years 期刊论文
作者:  Qu, Yang;  Xu, Kuidong;  Li, Tao;  Wang, Maoyu;  Zhong, Huan;  Chen, Tianyu
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deep-sea coral  mercury  deep water  particulate organic matter  anthropogenic perturbation  
Spatial distributions and sources of heavy metals in sediments of the Changjiang Estuary and its adjacent coastal areas based on mercury, lead and strontium isotopic compositions 期刊论文
CATENA, 2019, 卷号: 174, 页码: 154-163
作者:  Cheng, Yaxin;  Zhang, Rui;  Li, Tiegang;  Zhang, Fan;  Russell, James;  Guan, Minglei;  Han, Qi;  Zhou, Yurou;  Xiao, Xin;  Wang, Xiqi
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Mercury  Lead  Isotopic tracer  Source identification  East China Sea  Anthropogenic inputs  
Historical records, distributions and sources of mercury and zinc in sediments of East China sea: Implication from stable isotopic compositions 期刊论文
CHEMOSPHERE, 2018, 卷号: 205, 页码: 698-708
作者:  Zhang, Rui;  Russell, James;  Xiao, Xin;  Zhang, Fan;  Li, Tiegang;  Liu, Zhiyong;  Guan, Minglei;  Han, Qi;  Shen, Liya;  Shu, Yujie
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Mercury  Zinc  Isotopic tracer  Source identification  East China sea  Anthropogenic inputs  
Genetic and Physiological Adaptations of Marine Bacterium Pseudomonas stutzeri 273 to Mercury Stress 期刊论文
FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY, 2018, 卷号: 9, 页码: 14
作者:  Zheng, Rikuan;  Wu, Shimei;  Ma, Ning;  Sun, Chaomin
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marine  Pseudomonas stutzeri  mercury  stress  motility  flagella  
Sedimentary mercury (Hg) in the marginal seas adjacent to Chinese high-Hg emissions: Source-to-sink, mass inventory, and accumulation history 期刊论文
MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN, 2018, 卷号: 128, 页码: 428-437
作者:  Kim, Jihun;  Lim, Dhongil;  Jung, Dohyun;  Kang, Jeongwon;  Jung, Hoisoo;  Woo, Hanjun;  Jeong, Kapsik;  Xu, Zhaokai
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Sedimentary mercury  Atmospheric deposition  Mercury inventory  Pacific marginal sea  
Acute toxic effects of zinc and mercury on survival, standard metabolism, and metal accumulation in juvenile ridgetail white prawn, Exopalaemon carinicauda 期刊论文
作者:  Zhang, Chengsong;  Yu, Kuijie;  Li, Fuhua;  Xiang, Jianhai
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Exopalaemon Carinicauda  Acute Toxic Effect  Zinc  Mercury  Standard Metabolism  Metal Accumulation  
New evidence for Kuroshio inflow and deepwater circulation in the Okinawa Trough, East China Sea: Sedimentary mercury variations over the last 20kyr 期刊论文
PALEOCEANOGRAPHY, 2017, 卷号: 32, 期号: 6, 页码: 571-579
作者:  Lim, Dhongil;  Kim, Jihun;  Xu, Zhaokai;  Jeong, Kapsik;  Jung, Hoisoo
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Sedimentary Mercury  Deepwater Circulation  Hydrothermal Vents  Kuroshio Current  Okinawa Trough