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Observation of the abyssal western boundary current in the Philippine Sea CNKI期刊论文
作者:  Zhai FG(翟方国);  Wang QY(王庆业);  Hu DX(胡敦欣);  Guo XG(郭小钢)
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abyssal current  Philippine Sea  mooring observation  
Observation of the abyssal western boundary current in the Philippine Sea 期刊论文
CHINESE JOURNAL OF OCEANOLOGY AND LIMNOLOGY, 2014, 卷号: 32, 期号: 5, 页码: 1188-1197
作者:  Zhai Fangguo;  Wang Qingye;  Hu Dunxin;  Guo Xiaogang;  Zhai, FG (reprint author), State Ocean Adm, Inst Oceanog 3, Xiamen 361005, Peoples R China.
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Abyssal Current  Philippine Sea  Mooring Observation  
An extended variable-grid global ocean circulation model and its preliminary results of the equatorial Pacific circulation 期刊论文
ACTA OCEANOLOGICA SINICA, 2004, 卷号: 23, 期号: 1, 页码: 23-29
作者:  Fang, GH;  Wei, ZX;  Wang, YG;  Chen, HY;  Wang, XY
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Global Ocean Circulation Model  Variable Grid  Equatorial Pacific  Zonal Currents  Lower Deep Western Boundary Current  Abyssal Western Boundary Current