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Effect of Wave-Dependent Mechanisms on Storm Surge and Current Simulation during Three Extreme Weather Systems 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY, 2024, 卷号: 54, 期号: 7, 页码: 1519-1543
作者:  Mo, Dongxue;  Hu, Po;  Li, Jian;  Hou, Yijun;  Li, Shuiqing
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Currents  Ocean dynamics  Oceanic waves  Extreme events  Storm surges  Coupled models  
Study on the storm surges induced by cold waves in the Northern East China Sea 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS, 2016, 卷号: 160, 页码: 26-39
作者:  Mo, Dongxue;  Hou, Yijun;  Li, Jian;  Liu, Yahao
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Storm Surges  Cold Wave  Oceanic Response  Mathematical Models  Simulation  Northern East China Sea  
Simulating a typhoon storm surge in the East Sea of China using a coupled model 期刊论文
PROGRESS IN NATURAL SCIENCE, 2009, 卷号: 19, 期号: 1, 页码: 65-71
作者:  Yin, Baoshu;  Xu, Zhenhua;  Huang, Yong;  Lin, Xiang
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East Sea Of China  Coupled Model  Typhoon Storm Surges  Wave Effects