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Harmful algal blooms in China: History, recent expansion, current status, and future prospects 期刊论文
HARMFUL ALGAE, 2023, 卷号: 129, 页码: 10
作者:  Yu, Zhiming;  Tang, Yingzhong;  Gobler, Christopher J.
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Occurrence history of HABs in China  HABs-causing species in China  Impacts of HABs in China  Ecological and oceanographic drivers of HABs in China  Perspectives for HAB research in China  
Annual variation of species richness and lorica oral diameter characteristics of tintinnids in a semi-enclosed bay of western Pacific 期刊论文
ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE, 2018, 卷号: 207, 页码: 164-174
作者:  Feng, Meiping;  Wang, Chaofeng;  Zhang, Wuchang;  Zhang, Guangtao;  Xu, Henglong;  Zhao, Yuan;  Xiao, Tian;  Wang, Chunsheng;  Wang, Weiding;  Bi, Yuanxin;  Liang, Jun
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Tintinnid ciliates  Species occurrence  Phenology  Lorica dimensions  Jiaozhou bay