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Nano- and microphytoplankton community characteristics in brown tide bloom-prone waters of the Qinhuangdao coast, Bohai Sea, China 期刊论文
SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES, 2017, 卷号: 60, 期号: 6, 页码: 1189-1200
作者:  Xu Xin;  Yu ZhiMing;  He Liyan;  Cheng FangJin;  Cao Xihua;  Song XiuXian
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Phytoplankton Community  Qinhuangdao Coast  Species Composition  Cell Abundance  Size Fractions  Canonical Correspondence Analysis  Aureococcus Anophagefferens  
Nano-and microphytoplankton community characteristics in brown tide bloom-prone waters of the Qinhuangdao coast,Bohai Sea, China CNKI期刊论文
作者:  XU Xin;  YU ZhiMing;  HE LiYan;  CHENG FangJin;  CAO XiHua;  SONG XiuXian
收藏  |  浏览/下载:5/0  |  提交时间:2024/12/18
Phytoplankton community  Qinhuangdao coast  Species composition  Cell abundance  Size fractions  Canonical correspondence analysis  Aureococcus anophagefferens  
Environmental significance of biogenic elements in surface sediments of the Changjiang Estuary and its adjacent areas 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES-CHINA, 2013, 卷号: 25, 期号: 11, 页码: 2185-2195
作者:  Yu, Yu;  Song, Jinming;  Li, Xuegang;  Yuan, Huamao;  Li, Ning;  Duan, Liqin;  Song, JM
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Biogenic Elements  Phosphorus Fractions  Sediment  Source  Grain Size Effect  Changjiang Estuary And Adjacent Waters  
Environmental significance of biogenic elements in surface sediments of the Changjiang Estuary and its adjacent areas CNKI期刊论文
作者:  Yu Yu;  Jinming Song;  Xuegang Li;  Huamao Yuan;  Ning Li;  Liqin Duan
收藏  |  浏览/下载:4/0  |  提交时间:2024/12/18
biogenic elements  phosphorus fractions  sediment  source  grain size efect  Changjiang Estuary and adjacent waters