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In-situ experiments reveal mineralization details of porphyry copper deposits CNKI期刊论文
作者:  Weidong SUN;  Xiuqi SHANG
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diamond cell  sulfate  sulfide  porphyry deposits  magnetite crisis  
Inherited source affinity of Li and Hf isotopes for porphyry copper deposits from subduction and collisional settings 期刊论文
ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 2021, 卷号: 138, 页码: 21
作者:  Lu, Yigan;  Xiao, Yilin;  Nadeau, Olivier;  Yang, Xiaoyong;  Wang, Yangyang;  Hou, Zhenhui;  Sun, He;  Li, Dongyong;  Gu, Haiou;  Deng, Jianghong;  Tong, Fengtai;  Tan, Dongbo;  Qi, Huasheng;  Bute, Saleh Ibrahim
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Porphyry deposits  Oceanic subduction  Continental collision  Li isotopes  Hf isotopes  
Iron Isotope Fractionation during Skarn Cu-Fe Mineralization 期刊论文
MINERALS, 2021, 卷号: 11, 期号: 5, 页码: 18
作者:  Xue, Song;  Niu, Yaoling;  Chen, Yanhong;  Shi, Yining;  Xia, Boyang;  Wang, Peiyao;  Gong, Hongmei;  Wang, Xiaohong;  Duan, Meng
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porphyry-skarn deposits  Fe isotopes  isotopic fractionation  pathway effects  light-Fe fluid  redox state  
Porphyry copper and skarn fertility of the northern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau collisional granitoids 期刊论文
EARTH-SCIENCE REVIEWS, 2021, 卷号: 214, 页码: 22
作者:  Zhong, Shihua;  Li, Sanzhong;  Feng, Chengyou;  Liu, Yongjiang;  Santosh, M.;  He, Shuyue;  Qu, Hongying;  Liu, Guoyan;  Seltmann, Reimar;  Lai, Zhiqing;  Wang, Xiaohong;  Song, Yingxin;  Zhou, Jie
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Collisional tectonics  Flat slab subduction  Porphyry copper deposits  Skarn deposits  Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP)