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Distribution Patterns of Synechococcus Indicated Their Environmental Constraints and Related Geochemical Processes in the Yellow Sea CNKI期刊论文
作者:  ZHOU Yuting;  WANG Ting;  CHEN Xi;  QIN Song;  ZHAO Zhenjun;  GUO Xinyi;  LI Jialin
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Synechococcus  distribution characteristics  environmental constraints  co-occurrence network analyses  the Yellow Sea  
Environmental characteristics in three seamount areas of the Tropical Western Pacific Ocean: Focusing on nutrients 期刊论文
MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN, 2019, 卷号: 143, 页码: 163-174
作者:  Ma, Jun;  Song, Jinming;  Li, Xuegang;  Yuan, Huamao;  Li, Ning;  Duan, Liqin;  Wang, Qidong
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Environmental characteristics  Nutrients distribution  Influencing factors  Seamount  Tropical Western Pacific Ocean  
In situ study on photosynthetic characteristics of phytoplankton in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea in summer 2013 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS, 2016, 卷号: 160, 页码: 94-106
作者:  Li, Junlei;  Sun, Xiaoxia;  Zheng, Shan
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The Yellow Sea And East China Sea  Photosynthetic Characteristics  Phyto-pam  Environmental Factors  Phytoplankton Community Structure  Water Mass  
Geochemieal records of phosphorus in Jiaozhou Bay sediments - Implications for environmental changes in recent hundred years 期刊论文
ACTA OCEANOLOGICA SINICA, 2007, 卷号: 26, 期号: 4, 页码: 132-147
作者:  Dai, Jicui;  Song, Jinming;  Li, Xuegang;  Yuan, Huamao;  Zheng, Guoxia;  Ning, Li
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Phosphorus Forms  Geochemical Characteristics  Anthropogenic Activity  Environmental Significance  Jiaozhou Bay Sediments