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The growth promotion of mung bean (Phaseolus radiatus) by Enterobacter asburiae HPP16 in acidic soils 期刊论文
AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY, 2011, 卷号: 10, 期号: 63, 页码: 13802-13814
作者:  Zhao, Hui;  Yan, Huaxiao;  Zhou, Shixue;  Xue, Yanhui;  Zhang, Chao;  Lihuozhang;  Dong, Xue;  Cui, Qing;  Zhang, Yan;  Zhang, Baoqi;  Zhang, Zhe
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Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria  Indole-3-acetic Acid  Siderophore  Enterobacter Asburiae Hpp16  Mung Bean  Abscisic Acid  Phosphate-solubilizing Bacteria (Psb)