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Distribution of Alexandrium pacificum cysts in the area adjacent to the Changjiang River estuary, China 期刊论文
MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN, 2020, 卷号: 156, 页码: 9
作者:  Dai, Li;  Geng, Hui-Xia;  Yu, Ren-Cheng;  Liu, Yang;  Zhao, Jia-Yu;  Wang, Jin-Xiu;  Zhang, Qing-Chun;  Kong, Fan-Zhou;  Zhou, Ming-Jiang
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Alexandrium pacificum  Alexandrium catenella  Cysts  qPCR  Nearshore Kuroshio Branch Current  Toxic algal blooms  
Resting cysts of Alexandrium catenella and A. pacificum (Dinophyceae) in the Bohai and Yellow Seas, China: Abundance, distribution and implications for toxic algal blooms 期刊论文
HARMFUL ALGAE, 2020, 卷号: 93, 页码: 10
作者:  Dai, Li;  Yu, Ren-Cheng;  Geng, Hui-Xia;  Zhao, Yue;  Zhang, Qing-Chun;  Kong, Fan-Zhou;  Chen, Zhen-Fan;  Zhao, Jia-Yu;  Zhou, Ming-Jiang
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Alexandrium catenella (A. fundyense)  Alexandrium pacificum  Cysts, qPCR  Harmful algal bloom