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Geochronology and geochemistry of the Early Jurassic Yeba Formation volcanic rocks in southern Tibet: Initiation of back-arc rifting and crustal accretion in the southern Lhasa Terrane 期刊论文
LITHOS, 2017, 卷号: 278, 页码: 477-490
作者:  Wei, Youqing;  Zhao, Zhidan;  Niu, Yaoling;  Zhu, Di-Cheng;  Liu, Dong;  Wang, Qing;  Hou, Zengqian;  Mo, Xuanxue;  Wei, Jiuchuan
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Geochemistry  Geochronology  Sr-nd-hf Isotopes  Back-arc  Yeba Formation  Crustal Accretion