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Relationship between the Degree of Polymerization of Chitooligomers and Their Activity Affecting the Growth of Wheat Seedlings under Salt Stress 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY, 2017, 卷号: 65, 期号: 2, 页码: 501-509
作者:  Zhang, Xiaoqian;  Li, Kecheng;  Liu, Song;  Zou, Ping;  Xing, Ronge;  Yu, Huahua;  Chen, Xiaolin;  Qin, Yukun;  Li, Pengcheng
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Chitooligomers  Degrees Of Polymerization  Salt Stress  Photosynthesis  Antioxidant Enzyme Activities  Gene Expression  
Effect of Sulfated Chitooligosaccharides on Wheat Seedlings (Triticum aestivum L.) under Salt Stress 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY, 2016, 卷号: 64, 期号: 14, 页码: 2815-2821
作者:  Zou, Ping;  Li, Kecheng;  Liu, Song;  He, Xiaofei;  Zhang, Xiaoqian;  Xing, Ronge;  Li, Pengcheng
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Wheat  Sulfated Chitooligosaccharides  Salt Stress  Antioxidant Enzyme Activities  Photochemical Efficiency  Gene Expression  
Effect of chitooligosaccharides with different degrees of acetylation on wheat seedlings under salt stress 期刊论文
CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS, 2015, 卷号: 126, 页码: 62-69
作者:  Zou, Ping;  Li, Kecheng;  Liu, Song;  Xing, Ronge;  Qin, Yukun;  Yu, Huahua;  Zhou, Miaomiao;  Li, Pengcheng
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Chitooligosaccharides  Acetylation  Salt Stress  Antioxidant Enzyme Activities  Photosynthesis  Gene Expressions