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Malonyl-CoA pathway: a promising route for 3-hydroxypropionate biosynthesis 期刊论文
CRITICAL REVIEWS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY, 2017, 卷号: 37, 期号: 7, 页码: 933-941
作者:  Liu, Changshui;  Ding, Yamei;  Xian, Mo;  Liu, Min;  Liu, Huizhou;  Ma, Qingjun;  Zhao, Guang
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3-hydroxypropionate  Malonyl-coa Pathway  Metabolic Engineering  Acetyl-coa Carboxylase  Malonyl-coa Reductase  Carbon Flux  Enzyme Engineering  Supply Of Energy And cOfactor  3hp Tolerance  
Active site conformational changes upon reaction intermediate biotinyl-5'-AMP binding in biotin protein ligase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis 期刊论文
PROTEIN SCIENCE, 2014, 卷号: 23, 期号: 7, 页码: 932-939
作者:  Ma, Qingjun;  Akhter, Yusuf;  Wilmanns, Matthias;  Ehebauer, Matthias T.;  Ma, Qingjun;  Akhter, Yusuf;  Wilmanns, Matthias;  Ehebauer, Matthias T.
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Mycobacterium Tuberculosis  Bpl  Bira  Biotinylation  Crystal Structure  Acetyl-coa Carboxylase  Escherichia-coli  Holoenzyme Synthetase  Carrier Protein  Bira Gene  Specificity  Biotinylation  Purification  Activation  Complexes