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Recognizing the function of different silane coupling agents on MXene adsorption/barrier behavior in solvent-borne epoxy coatings: Experimental studies, density functional theory, and molecular dynamics simulations 期刊论文
PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS, 2024, 卷号: 192, 页码: 15
作者:  Pourhashem, Sepideh;  Hadizadeh, Mohammad Hassan;  Ji, Xiaohong;  Zhou, Ziyang;  Duan, Jizhou;  Ci, Xiaohong;  Lu, Hao;  Hou, Baorong
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Amino-silane functionalized MXene  Nano-SiO2 decorated MXene  Corrosion resistance  Epoxy coating  Density functional theory/molecular dynamics  simulations