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The Early Breakup of Rodinia Supercontinent in the Northeastern Margin of the Yangtze Plate:New Evidence from SIMS Zircon Ages of the Granitic Gneiss from the Chaolian Island,Shandong Peninsula CNKI期刊论文
作者:  LIAO Jing;  YUE Baojing;  DING Xue;  ZHANG He;  Y\N Xuebo
收藏  |  浏览/下载:3/0  |  提交时间:2024/12/18
Rodinia  The Early Breakup of Rodinia Supercontinent in the Northeastern Margin of the Yangtze Plate:New Evidence from SIMS Zircon Ages of the Granitic Gneiss from the Chaolian Island,Shandong Peninsula