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基于极限梯度提升算法和特征筛选方法的羊角月牙藻(Selenastrum capricornutum)急性毒性定量构效关系(QSAR)模型的建立与应用 CNKI期刊论文
作者:  滕跃发;  王晓晴;  李斐;  吉成龙;  吴惠丰
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多环芳烃  羊角月牙藻  定量构效关系  机器学习  极限梯度提升  特征筛选  
Insight into the metabolic potential and ecological function of a novel Magnetotactic Nitrospirota in coral reef habitat 期刊论文
FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY, 2023, 卷号: 14, 页码: 16
作者:  Zhao, Yicong;  Zhang, Wenyan;  Pan, Hongmiao;  Chen, Jianwei;  Cui, Kaixuan;  Wu, Long-Fei;  Lin, Wei;  Xiao, Tian;  Zhang, Wuchang;  Liu, Jia
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Magnetotactic bacteria  Nitrospirota  metabolic potential  coral ecosystems  ecological functions  
微小杆菌属(Exiguobacterium)细菌的能量代谢途径分析 CNKI期刊论文
作者:  赵芮;  李登辉;  李学恭;  张维佳;  赵苑;  吴龙飞
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微小杆菌属  能量代谢  视紫红质  钼酶  钼辅因子  乙醛酸分流  
Metagenomic and Microscopic Analysis of Magnetotactic Bacteria in Tangyin Hydrothermal Field of Okinawa Trough 期刊论文
FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY, 2022, 卷号: 13, 页码: 13
作者:  Chen, Si;  Yu, Min;  Zhang, Wenyan;  He, Kuang;  Pan, Hongmiao;  Cui, Kaixuan;  Zhao, Yicong;  Zhang, Xiao-Hua;  Xiao, Tian;  Zhang, Wuchang;  Wu, Long-Fei
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magnetotactic bacteria  16S rRNA gene  magnetosome genes  magnetofossil  hydrothermal field  
A Novel Isolate of Spherical Multicellular Magnetotactic Prokaryotes Has Two Magnetosome Gene Clusters and Synthesizes Both Magnetite and Greigite Crystals 期刊论文
MICROORGANISMS, 2022, 卷号: 10, 期号: 5, 页码: 19
作者:  Cui, Kaixuan;  Pan, Hongmiao;  Chen, Jianwei;  Liu, Jia;  Zhao, Yicong;  Chen, Si;  Zhang, Wenyan;  Xiao, Tian;  Wu, Long-Fei
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spherical MMPs  magnetite  greigite  magnetosome gene cluster  intertidal sediment  
大数据挖掘和机器学习在毒理学中的应用 CNKI期刊论文
作者:  滕跃发;  王晓晴;  李斐;  吴惠丰;  吉成龙;  于进福
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数据挖掘  机器学习  结构-活性关系  AOP  计算毒理学  
Characterization and diversity of magnetotactic bacteria from sediments of Caroline Seamount in the Western Pacific Ocean CNKI期刊论文
作者:  Kaixuan CUI;  Wenyan ZHANG;  Jia LIU;  Cong XU;  Yicong ZHAO;  Si CHEN;  Hongmiao PAN;  Tian XIAO;  Long-Fei WU
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magnetotactic bacteria  Caroline Seamount  abundance  diversity  magnetosome  
Genomic analysis of a pure culture ofmagnetotactic bacterium Terasakiella sp. SH-1 CNKI期刊论文
作者:  Haijian DU;  Wenyan ZHANG;  Wei LIN;  Hongmiao PAN;  Tian XIAO;  Long-Fei WU
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magnetotactic bacteria  magnetotaxis  pure culture  comparative genomic analysis  
How light affect the magnetotactic behavior and reproduction of ellipsoidal multicellular magnetoglobules? CNKI期刊论文
作者:  Xinxin QIAN;  Yicong ZHAO;  Claire-Lise SANTINI;  Hongmiao PAN;  Tian XIAO;  Haitao CHEN;  Tao SONG;  Jinhua LI;  Francois ALBERTO;  Sophie BRUSTLEIN;  Long-Fei WU
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photo-response  magnetic alignment  coordinated swimming  
Observations on a magnetotactic bacteria-grazing ciliate in sediment from the intertidal zone of Huiquan Bay,China CNKI期刊论文
作者:  Si CHEN;  Kaixuan CUI;  Wenyan ZHANG;  Yicong ZHAO;  Tian XIAO;  Hongmiao PAN;  Wuchang ZHANG;  Long-Fei WU
收藏  |  浏览/下载:8/0  |  提交时间:2024/12/18
magnetically responsive protist  ciliate  magnetotactic bacteria  magnetosome  graze  magnetoreception