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Blue light regulates the rhythm of diurnal vertical migration in the raphidophyte red-tide alga Chattonella antiqua 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF PLANKTON RESEARCH, 2013, 卷号: 35, 期号: 3, 页码: 542-552
作者:  Shikata, Tomoyuki;  Matsunaga, Shigeru;  Iseki, Mineo;  Nishide, Hiroyo;  Higashi, Sho-Ichi;  Kamei, Yasuhiro;  Yamaguchi, Mineo;  Jenkinson, Ian R.;  Watanabe, Masakatsu;  Shikata, T
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Flagellate  Gravitaxis  Harmful Algal Blooms  Phototaxis  Wavelength