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Deep sea records of the continental weathering and erosion response to East Asian monsoon intensification since 14 ka in the South China Sea 期刊论文
CHEMICAL GEOLOGY, 2012, 卷号: 326, 页码: 1-18
作者:  Hu, Dengke;  Boening, Philipp;  Koehler, Cornelia M.;  Hillier, Stephen;  Pressling, Nicola;  Wan, Shiming;  Brumsack, Hans J.;  Clift, Peter D.;  Hu, DK (reprint author), Univ Aberdeen, Sch Geosci, Aberdeen AB24 3UE, Scotland.
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Chemical Weathering  Geochemistry  Clay Mineralogy  Isotopes  East Asian Monsoon  South China Sea