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近60年来南黄海沉积物高分辨率敏感粒级对东亚冬季风的响应 CNKI期刊论文
作者:  高星华;  李广雪;  张海啟;  Dada Olusegun A;  刘世东;  陈中亚;  李亨健;  王琳淼;  刘玲
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南黄海泥质区  敏感粒级  东亚季风  高分辨率  长江输沙  
栉孔扇贝BI-1基因的克隆与表达分析 CNKI期刊论文
作者:  苗国英;  亓海刚;  李莉;  阙华勇;  张国范;  胡晓丽
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栉孔扇贝  BI-1基因  基因克隆  基因表达  
Wentilactone A as a novel potential antitumor agent induces apoptosis and G2/M arrest of human lung carcinoma cells, and is mediated by HRas-GTP accumulation to excessively activate the Ras/Raf/ERK/p53-p21 pathway 期刊论文
CELL DEATH & DISEASE, 2013, 卷号: 4, 页码: e952
作者:  Lv, C.;  Hong, Y.;  Miao, L.;  Li, C.;  Xu, G.;  Wei, S.;  Wang, B.;  Huang, C.;  Jiao, B.;  Wang, B
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Wentilactone a  Novel Antitumor Agent  Lung Cancer  Ras/raf/erk/p53-p21 Pathway  
Wentilactone B induces G2/M phase arrest and apoptosis via the Ras/Raf/MAPK signaling pathway in human hepatoma SMMC-7721 cells 期刊论文
CELL DEATH & DISEASE, 2013, 卷号: 4, 页码: e657
作者:  Zhang, Z.;  Miao, L.;  Lv, C.;  Sun, H.;  Wei, S.;  Wang, B.;  Huang, C.;  Jiao, B.;  Huang, C
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Wentilactone b  Smmc-7721 Cells  Cell Cycle Arrest  Apoptosis  Mapk Pathway  
Evolution and functional analysis of the Pif97 gene of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas 期刊论文
CURRENT ZOOLOGY, 2013, 卷号: 59, 期号: 1, 页码: 109-115
作者:  Wang, Xiaotong;  Song, Xiaorui;  Wang, Tong;  Zhu, Qihui;  Miao, Guoying;  Chen, Yuanxin;  Fang, Xiaodong;  Que, Huayong;  Li, Li;  Zhang, Guofan;  Li, L
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Mollusca  Crassostrea Gigas  Pif97 Gene  Biomineralization  Shell Formation  Calcite