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Genetic effects of ibreeding on growth trajectories in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) 期刊论文
AQUACULTURE, 2021, 卷号: 536, 页码: 7
作者:  Yang, Li'ang;  Wang, Lijuan;  Wu, Zhihao;  Hao, Zhiyu;  Song, Zongcheng;  You, Feng;  Yang, Runqing
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Growth trait  Inbreeding depression  Dynamic heritabilities  Random regression model  Turbot  
High-resolution phytoplankton diel variations in the summer stratified central Yellow Sea 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF OCEANOGRAPHY, 2012, 卷号: 68, 期号: 6, 页码: 913-927
作者:  Liu, Xin;  Huang, Bangqin;  Liu, Zhiyu;  Wang, Lei;  Wei, Hao;  Li, Chaolun;  Huang, Qiu;  Huang, BQ (reprint author), Xiamen Univ, Coll Environm & Ecol, Xiamen 361005, Fujian, Peoples R China.
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Fluoroprobe  Pigments Analysis  Diel Variations  Phytoplankton  Internal Tides