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Architecture, development and geological control of the Xisha carbonate platforms, northwestern South China Sea 期刊论文
MARINE GEOLOGY, 2014, 卷号: 350, 页码: 71-83
作者:  Wu, Shiguo;  Yang, Zhen;  Wang, Dawei;  Lu, Fuliang;  Luedmann, Thomas;  Fulthorpe, Craig;  Wang, Bin;  Yang, Z (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Oceanol, Key Lab Marine Geol & Environm, 7 Nanhai Rd, Qingdao 266071, Peoples R China.
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Carbonate Platform  Reef  Eustasy  Tectonic Control  Post-rift  South China Sea  
Development and controlling factors of Miocene carbonate platform in the Nam Con Son Basin, southwestern South China Sea 期刊论文
MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY, 2013, 卷号: 45, 页码: 55-68
作者:  Lu, Caili;  Wu, Shiguo;  Yao, Yongjian;  Fulthorpe, Craig S.;  Lu, CL
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Carbonate Platform Development  Nam Con Son Basin  South China Sea