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Design and realization of versatile durable fluorine-free anti-corrosive coating with robust superhydrophobicity 期刊论文
ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 2024, 卷号: 495, 页码: 12
作者:  Yuan, Shuai;  Zhao, Xia;  Jin, Zuquan;  Zhao, Qingkun;  Fan, Liang;  Deng, Junying;  Duan, Jizhou;  Hou, Baorong
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Kaolin nanoparticles  Superhydrophobic  Anti-corrosion  robust durability  Coating  
长余辉发光材料/超疏水颗粒改性防腐涂层性能研究 CNKI期刊论文
作者:  赵霞;  朱泳昊;  金祖权;  赵庆坤;  麻福斌;  段继周;  侯保荣
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金属  防腐  发光  超疏水  涂层  电化学阻抗谱  
Mechanism of an organic-inorganic composite coating with anticorrosive and versatile superhydrophobic properties: A combined electrochemical and molecular dynamics exploration 期刊论文
PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS, 2023, 卷号: 182, 页码: 16
作者:  Zhao, Qingkun;  Zhao, Xia;  Jin, Zuquan;  Wang, Pan;  Fan, Liang;  Deng, Junying;  Yuan, Shuai;  Sun, Yanan;  Duan, Jizhou
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Anti -corrosion  Environment -friendly  Superhydrophobic coating  Molecular dynamics simulation