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Comprehensive assessment of population genetic structure of the overexploited Japanese grenadier anchovy (Coilia nasus): Implications for fisheries management and conservation 期刊论文
FISHERIES RESEARCH, 2019, 卷号: 213, 页码: 113-120
作者:  Xue, Dong-Xiu;  Yang, Qiao-Li;  Li, Yu-Long;  Zong, Shao-Bing;  Gao, Tian-Xiang;  Liu, Jin-Xian
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Coilia nasus  Population structure  Anthropogenic factors  Life history  Microsatellites  
深海六放海绵大骨针的结构与特性(英文) CNKI期刊论文
作者:  王晓红;  李锦和;  乔莉;  Heinz C.SCHR DER;  Carsten ECKERT;  Klaus KROPF;  王毅民;  冯庆玲;  Werner E. G. MLLER
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海绵  中间单根海绵  春氏单根海绵  骨针  生物硅形成  光导  硅蛋白相关蛋白  纳米生物技术  
The unique skeleton of siliceous sponges (Porifera; Hexactinellida and Demospongiae) that evolved first from the Urmetazoa during the Proterozoic: a review 期刊论文
BIOGEOSCIENCES, 2007, 卷号: 4, 期号: 2, 页码: 219-232
作者:  Mueller, W. E. G.;  Li, Jinhe;  Schroeder, H. C.;  Qiao, Li;  Wang, Xiaohong
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Early Animal Evolution  Innate Immune Defense  Suberites-domuncula  Geodia-cydonium  Lubomirskia-baicalensis  Living Fossils  Metazoa  Silicatein  Expression  Genes