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Biogenic Silica Composition and Storage in the Yellow River Delta Wetland with Implications for the Carbon Preservation 期刊论文
WETLANDS, 2019, 页码: 11
作者:  Liu, Jun;  Song, Zhaoliang;  Wang, Jianbu;  Bouwman, Alexander F.;  Li, Menglu;  Liu, Sen;  Cao, Lei;  Zang, Jiaye;  Ran, Xiangbin
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Biogenic silica (BSi)  Phytoliths  BSi-occluded C (OCBSi)  Organic carbon  Carbon sequestration  Yellow River Delta wetland (YRDW)  
Temporal Dynamics of the Natural and Trimmed Angiosperm Zostera marina L. (Potamogetonales:Zosteraceae), and an Effective Technique for Transplantation of Long Shoots in a Temperate Tidal Zone (Northern China) 期刊论文
WETLANDS, 2019, 卷号: 39, 期号: 5, 页码: 1043-1056
作者:  Liu, Xujia;  Zhou, Yi;  LiU, Bingjian;  Zhang, Xiaomei
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Zostera marina  Biomass  Shoot height  Stoichiometry  Resilience  Transplantation technique  Long shoots  Conservation  Restoration  Seagrass meadow  Coastal wetlands  
Characterization of Labile Organic Carbon in Different Coastal Wetland Soils of Laizhou Bay, Bohai Sea 期刊论文
WETLANDS, 2017, 卷号: 37, 期号: 1, 页码: 163-175
作者:  Cao, Lei;  Song, Jinming;  Wang, Qidong;  Li, Xuegang;  Yuan, Huamao;  Li, Ning;  Duan, Liqin
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Loc  Cwc  Hwc  Ahc  Variation  Coastal Wetland