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Transcriptome profiles of genes related to growth and virulence potential in Vibrio alginolyticus treated with modified clay 期刊论文
MICROBIOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 2022, 卷号: 262, 页码: 12
作者:  Ding, Yu;  Song, Xiuxian;  Yu, Zhiming
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Vibrio alginolyticus  Modified clay  Transcriptome  Virulence  Growth  
Microbial diversity in the deep-sea sediments of Iheya North and Iheya Ridge, Okinawa Trough 期刊论文
MICROBIOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 2015, 卷号: 177, 期号: 2015, 页码: 43-52
作者:  Zhang, Jian;  Sun, Qing-lei;  Zeng, Zhi-gang;  Chen, Shuai;  Sun, Li
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Deep Sea Sediment  Microbial Community  Illumina Sequencing  Ecological Function  16s Rdna  
Intergeneric conjugation in holomycin-producing marine Streptomyces sp strain M095 期刊论文
MICROBIOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 2008, 卷号: 163, 期号: 1, 页码: 96-104
作者:  Hou, Yan-Hua;  Li, Fu-Chao;  Wang, Shu-Jun;  Qin, Song;  Wang, Quan-Fu
Adobe PDF(446Kb)  |  收藏  |  浏览/下载:197/0  |  提交时间:2010/12/24
Genetic Transformation  Holomycin  Intergeneric  Conjugation  Marine Streptomyces  Protoplast