Institutional Repository of Key Laboratory of Ocean Circulation and Wave Studies, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
黄海太平洋磷虾种群生态学研究 | |
其他题名 | Studies on the population ecology of Euphausia pacifica in the Yellow Sea |
陶振铖 | |
学位类型 | 博士 |
2008-09-29 | |
学位授予单位 | 中国科学院海洋研究所 |
学位授予地点 | 海洋研究所 |
关键词 | 太平洋磷虾 种群 生态分布 繁殖 发育 黄海 |
摘要 | 太平洋磷虾(Euphausia pacifica Hansen)作为目前已开发利用的6种主要磷虾资源之一,广泛分布于北太平洋北部及其临近近岸海域。在黄海,太平洋磷虾是黄海海洋生态系统中大型浮游动物的优势种和重要功能群的组成种类,它还是黄海生态系统中鱼类等上层营养级生物的重要饵料。太平洋磷虾的种群组成以及数量变化会直接影响到黄海经济鱼类的资源动态,从而影响到整个黄海海洋生态系统的变化。 本论文依托国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(973-II)——“我国近海生态系统食物产出的关键过程及其可持续机理”和国家自然科学基金40306021号——“黄、东海太平洋磷虾种群补充机制研究”,在2006年4月到2007年8月的八个黄海调查航次中,通过网采固定样品和现场培养实验相结合的方法,对黄海海域太平洋磷虾的种群生态分布和补充、繁殖和发育策略、以及成体的摄食、代谢进行了较为全面、细致的研究。 种群生态分布:本文根据2006年4月(春季)和10月(秋季)两次黄海大面调查和2006年9月-2007年8月六次黄海断面调查所获得的样品,研究了太平洋磷虾在南黄海的种群生态分布和补充机制,并探讨了其生态分布与环境因子的关系。 春季,南黄海太平洋磷虾种群主要分布在33 °N-36 °N、50 m-75 m等深线之间的海域,种群总丰度(不包括卵)为152.90 ind. m-3,卵丰度非常高,成体丰度较低,仅占种群总数量的8.72%。调查海域的平均成体丰度为0.35 ind. m-3。种群组成以幼体为主,占到种群的90.85%。春季是太平洋磷虾种群补充的高峰期。秋季,种群主要分布在黄海冷水团海域,种群总丰度(不包括卵)为335.38 ind. m-3,成体丰度显著高于春季,调查海区成体的平均丰度为7.73 ind. m-3。成体和未成体以99.5%的总比例在种群中占绝对数量优势,卵和幼体都非常少。秋季太平洋磷虾种群处于稳定期。春季成体的体长显著大于秋季,春季成体全长以13-18 mm为主,而秋季成体的全长主要是9-13 mm。 春季,太平洋磷虾成体具有昼夜垂直迁移行为,白天主要停留在底层水域,夜间少部分成体会上升到中上层水域,但是大部分成体仍然停留在深层。幼体从C3期开始就具有一定昼夜垂直迁移行为,F2—F5期幼体的昼夜垂直迁移行为已经非常明显。由于从表层到底层叶绿素a浓度逐渐降低,因此,太平洋磷虾的昼夜垂直迁移行为可能与摄食有关。 太平洋磷虾成体的分布是与海水温度紧密相关,南黄海太平洋磷虾成体比较适宜生活的水温是8-16 °C。春、冬季水温较低,成体分布范围较广。夏、秋季表层水温急剧升高到20 °C以上,太平洋磷虾成体主要分布在黄海冷水团海域,丰度也达到一年中的最高值。另外,秋季在近长江口的北部海域有大量成体分布。 繁殖和发育:自2006年9月到2007年8月的一年内,在黄海进行了七个航次的太平洋磷虾现场培养产卵实验,结果表明:在南黄海,太平洋磷虾在3月—6月份都具有产卵行为,4月份达到产卵高峰期。单个雌体的最大产卵量为617 egg female-1,出现在4月份。8月、9月和12月在南黄海均未发现太平洋磷虾的产卵行为。太平洋磷虾具有二次产卵行为,并且第一次产卵量要高于第二次。太平洋磷虾的产卵行为与其干湿重紧密相关。成体干重低于5.0 mg,湿重低于26.0 mg,均不具有产卵能力。在产卵高峰期,太平洋磷虾的干湿重达到一年中的最高值。 在南黄海,太平洋磷虾的幼体发育主要遵循下面的发育途径:卵 → 无节幼体 → 后期无节幼体 → 原溞状幼体 → 溞状幼体F1(0' 7, 1' 7) → 溞状幼体F2(1' 4'' 7, 3' 1'' 7) → 溞状幼体F3(5'' 7) → 溞状幼体F4(5'' 5) → 溞状幼体F5(5'' 3) → 溞状幼体F6(5'' 1)。太平洋磷虾在15 °C下的幼体发育速度明显快于4 °C。15 °C下幼体发育到C1期只需5.6 d,而4 °C下则需要16.1 d。 摄食和代谢:2006年9、10、12月和2007年3、8月,在南黄海的五个断面调查航次中,在S1-4站进行了太平洋磷虾成体摄食实验,结果表明:太平洋磷虾在8月和9月份对水体中浮游植物的摄食率比较低,主要摄食水体中的微型浮游动物,从而由于营养级级联作用,致使水体中叶绿素a浓度升高。12月和3月,太平洋磷虾对水体中浮游植物有着很强的摄食活动,使得水体的叶绿素a浓度大量降低,当然太平洋磷虾也可能会同时摄食水体中微型浮游动物。 2006年9、12月和2007年3月,在南黄海的三个断面调查航次中,在S1-4站进行了太平洋磷虾现场耗氧率和排氨率实验,结果表明:太平洋磷虾在3月份的耗氧率是172.92 μg ind.-1 d-1,是9月份和12月份的6倍还要多。太平洋磷虾在9月和12月的耗碳率和体碳日损耗量相近,且都较低。3月份太平洋磷虾的代谢非常旺盛,体碳日损耗量达到2.70 % d-1,每日的耗碳率为62.9 µg C ind-1 d-1。9月和12月份太平洋磷虾代谢的氧氮比都较低,分别是11.3和7.0,太平洋磷虾成体的主要代谢基质是蛋白质。3月份的氧氮比为35.1,太平洋磷虾成体代谢主要以脂肪及碳水化合物为主。 |
其他摘要 | As one of six important Euphausiids species being commercially harvested, Euphausia pacifica Hansen is widely distributed in the North Pacific Ocean and its adjacent coastal waters. E. pacifica is the dominant zooplankton species and functional group in the Yellow sea and is regarded as one of the most important zooplankton species and functional group of China-GLOBEC (China-Global Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics) in the Yellow Sea ecosystem by virtue of its enormous abundance, large body size and the significant role it plays in the marine food chains. Its swarming habit has made it attractive to commercial fisheries. In the Yellow Sea ecosystem, E. pacifica is the most important food of adult anchovy, which is the main prey of most of the economic fishes. We suggest that the changes of distribution and abundance of E. pacifica could directly influence the whole Yellow Sea ecosystem. Patterns of spatial distribution of Euphausia pacifica in the southern Yellow Sea in spring (April) and autumn (October), 2006, were studied in this paper. In spring, E. pacifica population was mainly distributed in the sea area of 33 °N-36 °N and 50 m-75 m depth. Population (except for eggs) abundance was 152.90 ind. m-3. Egg abundance was very high (average abundance of the whole research area was 57.61 ind. m-3). Adult abundance was relatively low (average abundance was 0.35 ind. m-3). Larvae were the main proportion of population, which took up 90.85% of the whole population abundance. In autumn, population (except for eggs) abundance was 335.38 ind. m-3, which was twice that of spring. The population mainly distributed in the YSBCW area. Adult abundance was much higher than spring and its average abundance was 7.73 ind. m-3. Larvae and eggs were nearly absent from the studied area in October. Therefore, spring was the recruitment period of E. pacifica, and E. pacifica population was in a steady condition in autumn. Body length of E. pacifica adult in spring was higher than in autumn. In spring, adult total length was mostly within 13-18 mm. Adult total length was mainly from 9 mm to 13 mm in autumn. In April 2006, eggs could be collected throughout the whole water column. The different developmental stages of E. pacifica may show different diel vertical migration (DVM) behaviour. Adults showed DVM behaviour, which aggregated below the 50 m layer in daytime, and only a few adults went up during nighttime. Stages N2 and MN larvae, somehow, showed a reversed trend of DVM. Stages C3 began to show DVM behaviour and stages later than F2 took on obviously DVM behaviour. The chlorophyll a concentration gradually increased from bottom to surface. Therefore, the DVM of E. pacifica was probably related to its grazing activity. The variations of E. pacifica adult distribution was studied by six cruise surveys from September 2006 to August 2007. The distribution of E. pacifica adult was closely interrelated with seawater temperature. The fitting temperature of E. pacifica adult in the southern Yellow Sea was 8-16°C. The distribution of adult was wide in spring and winter and adult mostly stayed in the YSBCW area in summer and autumn. Additional, there was a higher adult abundance region near north of the Yangtze River estuary. We carried out seven in situ experiments on egg production from September 2006 to August 2007. The results showed that E. pacifica can reproduce from March to June in the southern Yellow Sea and April was the recruitment fastigium. The maximum brood size of individual female was 617 egg female-1 which occurred in April. Spawning behaviour was not found in August, September and December. E. pacifica may produce twice broods of eggs in our experiment in reproduction period. The brood size of E. pacifica was nearly related to its dry and wet weight. Adult could not spawn when its dry weight was lower than 5.0 mg and wet weight lower than 26 mg. E. pacifica adult got the maximum dry and wet weight in the recruitment fastigium. E. pacifica larvae developmental pathway was ascertained with net samples collected in April 2006. In the southern Yellow Sea, the development of E. pacifica larvae nearly followed the below pathway: Egg → Nauplius → Metanauplius → Calyptopis → Furcilia, F1 (0' 7, 1' 7) → Furcilia, F2 (1' 4'' 7, 3' 1'' 7) → Furcilia, F3 (5'' 7) → Furcilia, F4 (5'' 5) → Furcilia, F5 (5'' 3) → Furcilia, F6 (5'' 1). The developmental time of E. pacifica larvae under 4 °C was obviously longer than in 15 °C. Eggs can be successfully developed into stage C1 within 5.6 days under 15 °C, however, it would take 16.1 days under 4 °C. Results of five grazing experiments of E. pacifica adult at station S1-4 showed that in August and September, the ingestion rate on phytoplankton was very low. Adult mainly ingested the microzooplankton, and then the chlorophyll a concentration instead increased for the cascading trophic interactions. In December and March, the grazing activity on phytoplankton was so strong that the chlorophyll a concentration greatly reduced. Meanwhile E. pacifica may also probably ingested the microzooplankton in seawater. Three in situ metabolism experiments on adult E. pacifica were carried out in September, December 2006 and March 2007 at station S1-4. Results showed that oxygen consumption rate was 172.92 μg ind.-1 d-1 in March, which was six times more than in September and December. The carbon consumption rate (CCR) and daily body carbon consumption capacity (DBCCC) in September and December were low. The metabolism of E. pacifica in March was very vigorous, with CCR and DBCCC value of 62.9 µg C ind-1 d-1 and 2.70 % d-1, respectively. O:Ns of E. pacifica metabolism were 11.3 and 7.0 in September and December. Their metabolic substance was mostly protein. In March, the O:N of metabolism was 35.1. E. pacifica adult mainly metabolized lipid and carbohydrate. |
页数 | 127 |
语种 | 中文 |
文献类型 | 学位论文 |
条目标识符 | |
专题 | 海洋环流与波动重点实验室 |
推荐引用方式 GB/T 7714 | 陶振铖. 黄海太平洋磷虾种群生态学研究[D]. 海洋研究所. 中国科学院海洋研究所,2008. |
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