IOCAS-IR  > 实验海洋生物学重点实验室
关键词纳米抗体 非经典半胱氨酸 饱和突变 还原剂处理 非经典二硫键




BC2-tagBC2-Nb相互作用关键氨基酸的研究中,基于对BC2-tagBC2-Nb复合物晶体结构的分析和分子对接模拟,本论文设计了两种BC2-tag改造策略: 一是突变与疏水口袋直接相互作用的关键氨基酸,使相应氨基酸侧链空间与纳米抗体的疏水口袋更适配,增强亲和力;二是尝试在BC2-tag C端增加能与纳米抗体序列中保守氨基酸发生相互作用的数个氨基酸。但以上两种方案的改造均未成功,这提示可能蛋白质晶体结构显示的抗原抗体相互作用方式与真实溶液状态下的不尽相同,因此依据复合物晶体结构进行的改造设计难以在溶液条件下的互作中得到验证。在利用纳米抗体辅助溶液STM生物成像研究中,本论文以透明质酸合成酶为研究对象,开展了单分子酶促动力学研究,在溶液状态下对单分子透明质酸合成酶及其合成透明质酸的动态过程分别进行溶液STM成像。透明质酸合成酶成像实验显示,单个酶分子的形貌特征不明显,加入纳米抗体后由于成像体系稳定性不足,也未能提高成像质量,扫描成像条件还需要进一步优化。



Nanobodies, the smallest antibodies derived from camelids and sharks, are increasingly used in life sciences, diagnostics, and drug development due to their small size, stability, strong affinity, and excellent tissue penetration. Non-canonical cysteines, which form non-canonical disulfide bonds, play a key role in nanobody structure and function. These cysteines are often located in the complementary determining regions (CDRs) and contribute to the nanobody’s stability and antigen recognition. Compared to traditional antibodies, nanobodies have a smaller molecular weight, are more easily internalized by cells, and can penetrate solid tumors more effectively, making them promising candidates for intrabody and cancer therapies. However, these applications often occur in reducing environments, where non-canonical cysteines may be reduced, disrupting disulfide bonds and causing conformational changes in the nanobody. Such changes can affect its affinity, stability, and overall function, potentially reducing its therapeutic effectiveness. Research on the role of non-canonical disulfide bonds in nanobodies is limited, only relying on cysteine mutations to assess their impact. However, these mutations do not fully capture the behavior of non-canonical disulfide bonds under reducing conditions. A more systematic investigation of these bonds is necessary to optimize nanobody development for therapeutic applications. Nanobody applications require high-yield production, often involving purification tags to aid separation. However, these tags can alter the physicochemical properties of nanobodies, impacting their function. Therefore, one of the important directions in nanobody research is to purify nanobodies without introducing additional tags. The BC2-tag is a small peptide composed of 12 amino acids that forms an anti-parallel β-sheet with the camelid-derived nanobody BC2-Nb and recognizes a hydrophobic pocket in the BC2-Nb. This hydrophobic pocket's amino acid sequence is relatively conserved in camelid-derived nanobodies. Based on the study of key antigen-antibody residues, after certain modifications, the BC2-tag is expected to become a universal affinity tag for camelid-derived nanobodies, enabling their separation and purification after recombinant expression without introducing additional purification tags. This approach would avoid the potential alterations in the physicochemical properties of nanobodies caused by current purification methods.

Nanobodies can improve image resolution in various biological imaging techniques, but their application in Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) has not been reported. Unlike traditional STM, which requires low temperature and high vacuum, liquid-phase STM allows single-molecule imaging of biological samples in physiological solutions. Hyaluronan synthase (HAS) is a bifunctional enzyme that synthesizes and translocates hyaluronan across membranes. While its enzymatic kinetics have been studied through ensemble experiments, these methods average out key dynamic processes, making them difficult to observe. Liquid-phase STM enables single-molecule imaging, overcoming this limitation. However, the small size and lack of distinct morphological features of HAS make it challenging to identify during imaging. We have developed specific nanobodies that, when complexed with HAS, generate unique morphological markers, facilitating single-molecule kinetic studies and providing deeper insights into hyaluronan synthesis.

We selected the camelid-derived nanobody BC2-Nb recognizing protein tag BC2-tag and the shark-derived nanobody lyso-VNAR against lysozyme, and constructed cysteine mutants of BC-Nb and lyso-VNAR by site-directed and saturation mutagenesis. We also treated the nanobodies with reducing agents to break non-canonical disulfide bonds and explored their effects on the affinity and stability of nanobodies. The binding ability of BC2-Nb and lyso-VNAR to their antigens remains unaffected in their reduced states. However, mutation of the non-canonical cysteines significantly impaired affinity, while the affinity of lyso-VNAR mutants decreased by 13-211-fold, and BC2-Nb mutant did not bind to the antigen at all. In terms of stability, both reducing agent treatment and cysteine mutation led to a decrease in the thermal stability and chemical stability of nanobodies. Molecular dynamics simulation experiments showed that the flexibility of BC2-Nb mutant increased compared to wild type and reduced state. In the lyso-VNAR system, the CDR3 loop of mutants may undergo lateral sliding, thereby affecting the interaction between amino acids in this region and the antigen.

For key residues involved in the BC2-tag/BC2-Nb interaction, two modification strategies were designed based on crystal structure analysis and molecular docking simulations of the BC2-tag/BC2-Nb complex. The first strategy involved mutating key residues that interact with the nanobody's hydrophobic pocket to improve fit and enhance affinity. The second strategy added residues to the C-terminus of BC2-tag to engage conserved residues in the nanobody. However, neither strategy was successful, suggesting that the antigen-antibody interactions observed in the crystal structure may differ from those in solution, highlighting the difficulty of translating structural modifications from crystal to solution phase.

In the application of nanobodies for liquid-phase STM bioimaging, this dissertation focused on hyaluronan synthase as the model enzyme for single-molecule enzymatic kinetics. Dynamic imaging of the enzyme and its synthesis of hyaluronan was performed using liquid-phase STM. The imaging of hyaluronan synthase showed that the individual enzyme molecules did not exhibit clear morphological features. Despite adding nanobodies, the imaging quality was not improved due to instability in the imaging system, indicating the need for further optimization of scanning conditions.

This dissertation investigates key residues involved in the interaction between nanobodies and their antigens, leading to the following conclusions: 1) Non-canonical cysteines in nanobodies do more than form non-canonical disulfide bonds; they can also participate in antigen recognition. Mutating these cysteines not only disrupts disulfide bond formation, reducing nanobody stability, but also weakens or abolishes antigen binding. Therefore, mutations of non-canonical cysteines cannot be equated with methods that disrupt disulfide bonds. 2) Attempts to engineer key residues in the interaction between BC2-tag and BC2-Nb to create a universal camelid nanobody affinity tag were unsuccessful. This suggests that the nanobody-antigen interaction in solution may differ from the crystal structure, highlighting the need for solution-phase structural data when engineering nanobody-antigen recognition. Additionally, this dissertation explores the use of nanobodies in single-molecule bioimaging by binding them to hyaluronan synthase to enhance its morphological features. The aim was to conduct single-molecule imaging and enzymatic kinetics studies of hyaluronan synthase using liquid-phase STM. While this is an innovative approach with no prior reports, the current experiments have not been successful, requiring further optimization and system development.


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 纳米抗体简介 1

1.1.1 纳米抗体的发现 1

1.1.2 纳米抗体结构特征和功能特性 2

1.2 纳米抗体的重组表达 4

1.3 纳米抗体应用 5

1.4 纳米抗体中的非经典半胱氨酸及非经典二硫键 7

1.5 纳米抗体BC2-Nb与小肽BC2-tag 10

1.6 研究意义与目标 10

第2章 驼源纳米抗体BC2-Nb非经典半胱氨酸和非经典二硫键的功能研究 13

2.1 实验方法 13

2.1.1 抗原GFP-BC2-tag的制备 13

2.1.2 纳米抗体BC2-Nb的制备 16

2.1.3 非经典半胱氨酸突变体BC2-NbC55A_C110S的制备 18

2.1.4 表面等离子共振技术(SPR)研究非经典半胱氨酸和非经典二硫键对BC2-Nb亲和力的影响 18

2.1.5 分子排阻层析共纯化研究非经典半胱氨酸和非经典二硫键对BC2-Nb结合抗原的影响 19

2.1.6 分子动力学模拟研究非经典二硫键缺失后BC2-Nb的结构变化 20

2.1.7 非经典二硫键对BC2-Nb稳定性影响 20

2.2 实验结果与讨论 21

2.2.1 抗原GFP-BC2-tag的纯化结果 21

2.2.2 纳米抗体BC2-Nb和突变体BC2-NbC55A_C110S的纯化结果 23

2.2.3 非经典半胱氨酸和非经典二硫键对BC2-Nb亲和力的影响 25

2.2.4 BC2-Nb与抗原GFP-BC2-tag的分子排阻层析共纯化结果 27

2.2.5 BC2-Nb分子动力学模拟研究结果 30

2.2.6 非经典二硫键对BC2-Nb稳定性影响 34

第3章 鲨鱼源纳米抗体lyso-VNAR非经典半胱氨酸和非经典二硫键功能研究 39

3.1 实验方法 39

3.1.1 抗原lysozyme制备 39

3.1.2 抗原lysozyme还原剂耐受实验 39

3.1.3 纳米抗体lyso-VNAR的制备 40

3.1.4 纳米抗体lyso-VNAR非经典半胱氨酸饱和突变文库的构建和筛选 43

3.1.5 高亲和力lyso-VNAR非经典半胱氨酸突变体的制备 47

3.1.6 质谱鉴定lyso-VNAR非经典二硫键的形成与断裂 48

3.1.7 表面等离子共振技术研究非经典半胱氨酸和非经典二硫键对lyso-VNAR亲和力的影响 49

3.1.8 分子排阻层析共纯化研究非经典半胱氨酸和非经典二硫键对lyso-VNAR结合抗原的影响 49

3.1.9 lyso-VNAR非经典半胱氨酸突变体与抗原共结晶 50

3.1.10 分子动力学模拟研究非经典二硫键缺失后lyso-VNAR的结构变化 51

3.1.11 非经典二硫键对lyso-VNAR稳定性影响 51

3.2 实验结果与讨论 52

3.2.1 抗原lysozyme纯化结果 52

3.2.2 还原环境lysozyme酶活性测定结果 53

3.2.3 lyso-VNAR表达纯化结果 54

3.2.4 lyso-VNAR非经典半胱氨酸饱和突变文库构建和筛选结果 56

3.2.5 lyso-VNAR非经典二硫键形成与断裂的质谱鉴定结果 59

3.2.6 非经典半胱氨酸和非经典二硫键对lyso-VNAR亲和力的影响 60

3.2.7 lyso-VNAR与抗原lysozyme的分子排阻层析共纯化结果 63

3.2.8 lyso-VNAR非经典半胱氨酸突变体与抗原共结晶结果 64

3.2.9 lyso-VNAR分子动力学模拟研究结果 67

3.2.10 非经典二硫键对lyso-VNAR稳定性影响 70

第4章 BC2-tag改造为驼源纳米抗体通用型亲和tag的研究 75

4.1 实验方法 75

4.1.1 驼源纳米抗体的表达纯化 75

4.1.2 BC2-tag与驼源纳米抗体分子排阻层析共纯化 75

4.1.3 聚焦纳米抗体疏水口袋的BC2-tag关键氨基酸的突变改造 76

4.1.4 聚焦增加纳米抗体相互作用氨基酸位点的BC2-tag关键氨基酸的突变改造 76

4.2 实验结果与讨论 77

4.2.1 驼源纳米抗体氨基酸序列比对结果 77

4.2.2 BC2-tag与驼源纳米抗体分子排阻层析共纯化结果 78

4.2.3 聚焦纳米抗体疏水口袋的BC2-tag突变体与驼源纳米抗体分子排阻层析共纯化结果 79

4.2.4 聚焦增加纳米抗体相互作用氨基酸位点的BC2-tag突变体与驼源纳米抗体分子排阻层析共纯化实验结果 83

第5章 纳米抗体辅助溶液STM研究透明质酸合成酶的单分子酶促动力学 87

5.1 研究背景 87

5.1.1 生物研究单分子技术简介 87

5.1.2 溶液STM简介 89

5.1.3 透明质酸简介 91

5.1.4 透明质酸合成酶简介 92

5.1.5 膜蛋白和类膜体系简介 94

5.1.6 研究意义与目标 96

5.2 实验方法 98

5.2.1 透明质酸合成酶的制备 98

5.2.2 透明质酸合成酶的Nanodisc组装 99

5.2.3 透明质酸合成酶活性检测 100

5.2.4 透明质酸合成酶溶液STM单分子酶促动力学研究 101

5.3 结果与讨论 103

5.3.1 透明质酸合成酶和失活突变体纯化结果 103

5.3.2 透明质酸合成酶的Nanodisc组装结果 104

5.3.3 透明质酸合成酶活性检测实验结果 105

5.3.4 透明质酸成像结果 110

5.3.5 空白溶液对照组溶液STM成像结果 111

5.3.6 透明质酸合成酶失活突变体溶液STM成像结果 112

5.3.7 anti-His抗体溶液STM成像结果 113

5.3.8 透明质酸合成酶合成透明质酸动态过程的溶液STM成像结果 114

5.3.9 纳米抗体辅助透明质酸合成酶合成透明质酸动态过程的溶液STM成像结果 117

第6章 总结与展望 121

6.1 BC2-Nb非经典半胱氨酸与非经典二硫键功能研究总结与展望 121

6.2 lyso-VNAR非经典半胱氨酸与非经典二硫键功能研究总结与展望 121

6.3 纳米抗体通用型亲和tag BC2-tag改造研究总结与展望 123

6.4 纳米抗体辅助溶液STM生物成像研究总结与展望 123

参考文献 125

致谢 139

作者简历及攻读学位期间发表的学术论文与其他相关学术成果 141

GB/T 7714
徐明策. 关键氨基酸在纳米抗体与抗原识别中的作用及纳米抗体辅助溶液扫描隧道显微镜生物成像研究[D]. 中国科学院海洋研究所. 中国科学院大学,2024.
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