其他摘要 | The western tropical Pacific has the largest warm water mass—warm pool and complicated circulation system in the world, playing a significant role in the global climate system, having a crucial impact on China's weather and environment. The complex three-dimensional current system in this region provides warm beds for the generation of mesoscale eddies, especially in the region east of the Philippine, which has the most energetic activities of subthermocline eddy in the western tropical Pacific. Mesoscale eddies can transport the energy of the background current field injected by wind to smaller scales, playing a connecting role in the process of ocean energy cycle. Meanwhile, mesoscale eddies with strong nonlinearity can carry water bodies for long-distance transportation, and are essential for the transportation of subsurface water mass in the tropical western Pacific. Therefore, the study of mesoscale eddies in the tropical western Pacific will help us to clarify the multi-scale variations of western boundary currents, deepen our understanding of the process of energy cycle and water mass transportation in the ocean.
Based on subsurface mooring ADCP and high-resolution model outputs, this paper studies the spatially distributed characteristics of eddy kinetic energy (EKE) in the Philippine coast and further investigates its seasonal and interannual modulations. Finally, Argo data with finer spatial-temporal resolution is used to explore the seasonal variation of subsurface temperature in the tropical Pacific. This study emphasizes the importance of barotropic instability of background currents on the generation and modulations of subthermocline mesoscale eddies, and corrects the viewpoint that baroclinic instability progress is the main way that mesoscale eddies get energy from the mean flows in this region.
The EKE distribution in the western tropical Pacific is firstly studied using the MS-EVA method and OFES outputs. In the upper layer (0-200m), the area with high EKE value is in the NECC source region and Celebes sea, and in the subsurface layer (300-700m), high EKE value mainly concentrates on the east of the Philippine coast. The result of EKE budget indicates that local instability of background flows is the source of EKE, and the contributions of non-local process are limited in the region with high EKE value. In the upper layer, barotropic instability plays a dominant role in the generation of mesoscale eddy, while both barotropic and baroclinic instabilities are essential in the subsurface layer, and, generally, baroclinic instability is dominant in the northern part and barotropic instability is dominant in the southern part.
Based on classical energy analysis method and ADCP measurements and OFES outputs, we then reveal the seasonal variability of subthermocline EKE east of the Philippines and clarify the underlying mechanism. The results indicate that significantly high EKE appears below the thermocline in the latitude band between 5º and 14ºN east of the Philippines. Separated by 10ºN, the EKE in the northern and southern parts of the region shows nearly opposite seasonal cycles, with its magnitude reaching a maximum in early spring and minimum in summer in the northern part and reaching a maximum in summer and minimum in winter in the southern part of the region. Further investigation indicates that although baroclinic and barotropic instabilities are essential in generating the subthermocline eddies, but the seasonal variation of subthermocline EKE is mainly caused by the seasonal modulation of barotropic instability. The seasonal modulation of barotropic instability in the northern and southern part of the region is associated with the seasonal evolution of North Equatorial Undercurrent and Halmahera Eddy, respectively.
On the basis of clarifying the seasonal variability of the subthermocline EKE in the east of the Philippines, we further studied its interannual variation and explored its relationship with ENSO events based on OFES model outputs (1995-2017) and mooring ADCP measurements with longer time periods. The results indicate that the subthermocline EKE shows significant interannual variation that is stronger than seasonal signal, and it’s closely related to the ENSO events, generally behind Nino 3.4 index 14 months. Further energy diagnostic analysis dominates that the interannual variation of subthermocline EKE is controlled by both baroclinic and barotropic instability of the background flows and dominated by the barotropic instability especially. Barotropic instability in the southern part of the Philippine coast is associated with the subsurface component of the quasi-permanent anticyclonic eddy Halmahera Eddy (HE), while that in the northern part is closely related to the Mindanao Undercurrent (MUC). Both HE and MUC are modulated by the ENSO events. When El Niño occurs, negative sea surface height anomalies appear near the dateline and propagate westward in the form of the first mode baroclinic Rossby wave exerting delayed impacts upon the western boundary currents east of the Philippine coast and further modulating the interannual variation of subthermocline EKE. Moreover, the barotropic energy conversion rate and its corresponding subthermocline EKE at lower latitudes responds relatively faster to ENSO due to the higher Rossby wave phase speed there.
Finally, using Argo data from 2000 to 2017, the seasonal variation characteristics of subsurface temperature in the tropical Pacific are completely given. It is found that the strongest seasonal variation is in the subsurface layer corresponding to the thermocline, which is located in three zonal bands centering at 12°N, 5°N and 5°S across the entire tropical Pacific. Further analysis indicates that seasonal variation of subsurface temperature is caused by the vertical movement of the thermocline, and the signal is generated in the eastern Pacific and propagates westward to the western Pacific. A linear wind-driven first-mode baroclinic Rossby wave model is then employed to investigate the seasonal fluctuation of thermocline. The seasonal shoaling and deepening of thermocline and associated temperature variations are well captured by this Rossby wave model. Basin-scale seasonal anomalies of wind stress curl in the tropical Pacific produce significant thermocline fluctuations, which propagate westward in the form of annual Rossby waves, and cause the seasonal variation of subsurface temperature. Thermocline fluctuations are revealed to be tightly associated with the meridional shift of equatorial currents such as North Equatorial Current (NEC), North Equatorial Countercurrent (NECC) and South Equatorial Current (SEC).
目录 | 第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究意义 1
1.2 研究现状 2
1.2.1 热带西太平洋三维环流结构 2
1.2.2 海洋中尺度涡旋 4 表层强化的中尺度涡旋 4 次表层强化的中尺度涡旋 5
1.3 本文主要内容及章节安排 7
第2章 数据和方法 11
2.1 研究数据 11
2.1.1 OFES数据 11
2.1.2 潜标ADCP数据 11
2.1.3 Argo数据 12
2.1.4 其他数据 12
2.2 研究方法 12
2.2.1 涡动能和正压\斜压转换率的计算方法 12
2.2.2 局地多尺度能量学分析(MS-EVA) 13
2.2.3 1.5层线性约化重力模式 14
第3章 热带西太平洋涡动能的空间分布及能量收支 17
3.1 热带西太平洋涡动能的空间分布特征 17
3.2 非局地过程对涡动能收支的影响 21
3.3 热带西太平洋涡动能的能量收支 24
3.4 小结 26
第4章 菲律宾以东海域次表层涡动能季节变化及其控制机制 27
4.1 模式数据验证 27
4.2 菲律宾以东海域次表层涡动能的季节变化 28
4.2.1 涡动能的垂直结构 28
4.2.2 涡动能的半年变化 31
4.2.3 涡动能季节变化特征 33
4.3 菲律宾以东海域次表层涡动能季节变异机制 38
4.3.1 次表层涡动能的能量来源 38
4.3.2 与正压\斜压不稳定的关系 39
4.3.3 正压不稳定季节变化的原因 44
4.4 小结 48
第5章 菲律宾以东次表层涡动能年际变化及其与ENSO的关系 51
5.1 模式数据验证 51
5.2 菲律宾以东海域次表层涡动能的年际变化 53
5.2.1 涡动能年际变异特征 53
5.2.2 涡动能的年际变化随纬度的差异 55
5.3 控制菲律宾以东海域次表层涡动能年际变化的机制 57
5.3.1 背景流场不稳定 57
5.3.2 正压不稳定的来源 60
5.4 次表层涡动能的年际变化与ENSO的关系 64
5.5 小结 67
第6章 热带太平洋次表层海温的季节变化 69
6.1 研究背景 69
6.2 热带太平洋次表层海温的季节变化 71
6.2.1 热带太平洋气候态海温分布特征 71
6.2.2 次表层海温的季节变化特征 72
6.3 次表层海温季节变异机制 79
6.4 温跃层的起伏与海流季节变化的联系 81
6.5 小结 83
第7章 总结与展望 85
7.1 本文主要结论与创新点 85
7.2 对未来工作的展望 87
参考文献 89
致 谢 99
作者简历及攻读学位期间发表的学术论文与研究成果 101 |