IOCAS-IR  > 海洋生态与环境科学重点实验室


1)基于棕囊藻叶绿体基因间隔区开发了三对棕囊藻特异性的高分辨率分子标记,其中rbcS-rpl27分子标记分辨率最高,可以将20余株世界不同地理株系的球形棕囊藻分为4个基因分型(Ⅰ~Ⅳ型),厘清了分型与囊体大小、特征色素组成之间的关系,其中型只能形成直径小于3 mm小囊体,以19’-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthinHex-fuco)和19’-butanoyloxyfucoxanthinBut-fuco)为特征色素,而型可形成厘米级大小的囊体,以But-fuco为特征色素。基于抑食金球藻线粒体基因间隔区研发一对抑食金球藻特异性分子标记trnD-dam1。基于该分子标记,发现抑食金球藻不同地理株系间具有遗传分化。





Over the past 20 years, the frequent occurrence of harmful algal blooms (HABs) caused by Phaeocystis globosa and Aureococcus anophagefferens in the coastal waters of China have posed a great threat to the marine ecosystem, mariculture and coastal engineering. Biological traits such as colony size and composition of marker pigments are differentiated among geographical strains of P. globosa. During the P. globosa blooms in the coastal waters of China, the colony formation of with centimeter size and the transformation of marker pigments are still not well understood. At present, there is a poor understand of the genetic diversity of P. globosa in the coastal waters of China, which prevent to bulild the association between biological traits and genetic diversity. The blooms of A. anophagefferens occurred successively along the coasts of the United States, and the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea in China. At present, the genetic diversity of A. anophagefferens are not uncovered, which makes it is controversial whether A. anophagefferens is an invasive species or a native species in China. In this study, we firstly developed intraspecies-specific molecular markers for P. globosa and A. anophagefferens; and then, we investigated the intraspecies genetic diversity of P. globosa and A. anophagefferens in the coastal waters of China with high frequency blooms of these two species to determine which genetic type is the dominant type triggering the blooms; Lastly, we analyzed the genetic diversity and distribution of these two species and their correlations with environmental factors in the coastal waters of China .The results were as followed:

1) Three pairs of high-resolution molecular markers of Phaeocystis were developed based on the chloroplast intergenic spacer region of Phaeocystis. Among which, a molecular marker rbcS-rpl27 has the highest resolution and can classify more than 20 strains of P. globosa from different geographical regions worldwide into four genetic types. There is a good correlation between the genetic types and colony size and the composition of marker pigments of P. globosa. The Types I, Ⅱ, and Ⅲ could form small colonies with diameter less than 3 mm and characterized by marker pigment of 19’-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin (Hex-fuco) and 19’-butanoyloxyfucoxanthin (But-fuco), whereas the Type Ⅳ formed giant colonies with diameter more than 1 cm and characterized by a unique marker pigment of But-fuco.

2) During the period 2015 to 2021, 16 colony samples of P. globosa and 18 phytoplankton samples collected in the Beibu Gulf and Guangdong coastal waters in of the South China Sea (SCS) where P. globosa frequently outbreak the blooms. Using the developed molecular marker rbcS-rpl27, the gene cloning libraries of these samples were built and sequenced, and a total of more than 1000 sequences of P. globosa were obtained from these samples. Five genetic types of P. globosa were found in the SCS. The solitary cells of P. globosa in phytoplankton communities were dominated by Types I and Ⅳ with relative abundances of 45% and 40%, respectively; Type Ⅳ, with relative abundances of more than 95%, dominated the colony samples. And the Type Ⅳ is dominant type in the colonies during the P. globosa in coastal waters of Qingdao in the winter of 2021. Based on the physiological and ecological characteristics and genetic information of P. globosa, it was proposed that the blooms of P. globosa featuring giant colonies in the coastal waters of China was mainly caused by a unique "giant colony" ecotype, which was belonging to the Type Ⅳ, and can form centimeter sized colonies with But-fuco as marker pigment.

3) Using the molecular marker rbcS-rpl27-high-throughput sequencing assay, a total of 72 OTUs of P. globosa were obtained from 49 phytoplankton samples collected from the coastal waters of China. It was found the complex genetic diversity of P. globosa in these field samples. In addition to the four types I ~ Ⅳ of the P. globosa isolates, three new types in the coastal waters of China. There were obvious variation of the composition of genetic diversity and relative abundance of P. globosa in the different regions. Type Ⅵ was a unique absolutely dominant type in the Bohai Sea (BS) with the relative abundance of 95.4%. The mainly dominant types were Type Ⅲ (38.9%) and Type Ⅵ (32.7%) in the Yellow Sea (YS); meanwhile, the relative abundance of Type Ⅳ and Type Ⅱ was more than 10%. The dominant types were Type Ⅱ (69.1%) and Type I (10.4%) in the East China Sea (ECS). Except for the low abundance of Type V and Ⅶ, the relative abundances of the other five types are between 9.3% and 29.2% in the South China Sea (SCS). The correlation of different types with environmental factors differed. Types I and Ⅶ were not significantly correlated with temperature, salinity and dissolved inorganic nitrogen, phosphorus, and silicate. Type Ⅱ had an extremely significant positive correlation (p < 0.01) with inorganic phosphate and silicates. Type Ⅲ had a significant positive association with ammonium (p < 0.05). Type Ⅳ had an extremely significant positive correlation with temperature (p < 0.01), but an extremely significant and significant negative correlation with inorganic phosphate and ammonium (p < 0.01 and p < 0.05). Type Ⅵ had extremely significant and significant negative correlations with temperature and silicate (p < 0.01 and p < 0.05).

 4) An intraspecies-specific molecular marker trnD-dam1 was developed based on the mitochondrial intergenic region of A. anophagefferens. Based on this molecular marker, it was found that there was genetic differentiation among different geographical strains of A. anophagefferens.

5) Using the molecular marker trnD-dam1, the gene libraries of six phytoplankton samples collected during the brown tide in the coastal waters of Qinhuangdao in 2013 and 2014, were built and sequenced. A total of 281 sequences were obtained from these field samples, and included 173 sequences of Type Ⅰ with the relative abundance of 61.6%, and 108 sequences of Type Ⅱ with the relative abundance of 38.4%. Among them, the sequences of A. anophagefferens at bloom peaks of brown tides blooms were dominated by Type Ⅰ.

6) Using the molecular marker trnD-dam1, more than 1500 sequences were obtained from 45 environmental samples collected from 30 stations in the BS, YS and ECS, respectively. It was found that A. anophagefferens could be divided into three types, of which Types Ⅱ and Ⅲ were widespread in the BS, YS and ECS, but Type Ⅰ was detected from a few sites in the YS and ECS. Type Ⅲ was absolutely dominant type in these samples, with the relative abundance ranging from 76.0% to 95.3%. There were obvious differences on the correlation between different types of A. anophagefferens and the environmental factors. Type Ⅱ had significant or extremely significant negative correlation with temperature, nitrite, and silicate (p < 0.05 and p < 0.01), respectively. In contrast, Type Ⅲ had significant or extremely significant negative correlations with temperature, nitrite, and silicate (p < 0.05 and p < 0.01).

In summary, this study developed specific molecular markers to study the intraspecies genetic diversity of P. globosa and A. anophagefferens in the coastal waters of China, and to correlate the differentiation traits and genetic typing of P. globosa. A hypothesis was proposed that the P. globosa blooms featuring centimeter sized colonies in the coastal waters of China, are triggered by a unique "giant colony" ecotype. Intraspecies genetic differentiation was found in A. anophagefferens communities. These results will help to further understand the intraspecies genetic diversity and distribution of P. globosa and A. anophagefferens in the coastal waters of China, which is of great significance for understanding of the formation mechanism of P. globosa and A. anophagefferens blooms in the coastal waters of China.



1  绪论... 1

1.1 近海有害藻华发展趋势... 1

1.2 球形棕囊藻藻华发生情况及其生物学特征... 2

1.2.1 球形棕囊藻藻华发生情况及其危害... 2

1.2.2 球形棕囊藻生物学特征... 4

1.2.3 开展球形棕囊藻种下遗传多样性研究的必要性... 6

1.3 抑食金球藻褐潮发生情况及其生物学特征... 7

1.3.1 抑食金球藻褐潮发生情况及危害效应... 7

1.3.2 抑食金球藻生物学特征... 9

1.3.3 开展抑食金球藻种下遗传多样性研究的必要性... 10

1.4 球形棕囊藻和抑食金球藻种下遗传多样性... 11

1.4.1 遗传多样性的定义... 11

1.4.2 遗传多样性研究方法... 11

1.4.3 有害藻华种下遗传多样性研究进展... 13

1.4.4 球形棕囊藻和抑食金球藻种下遗传多样性研究进展... 14

1.5 研究目的及意义... 15

2  我国近海球形棕囊藻遗传多样性... 17

2.1 前言... 17

2.2 材料与方法... 17

2.2.1 藻类培养... 17

2.2.2 样品获取... 19

2.2.3 DNA的提取... 26

2.2.4 PCR扩增以及测序... 26

2.2.5 引物设计与选择... 26

2.2.6 克隆文库构建... 27

2.2.7 高通量测序... 27

2.2.8 数据分析... 28

2.3 结果... 29

2.3.1 球形棕囊藻高分辨率分子标记的开发... 29

2.3.2 球形棕囊藻性状分化与遗传特征关联... 42

2.3.3 我国近海不同分型球形棕囊藻地理分布特征... 44

2.3.4 球形棕囊藻不同分型地理分布特征与环境因子相关性分析... 55

2.3.5 我国典型海域球形棕囊藻遗传特征... 58

2.4 讨论... 61

2.4.1 基于叶绿体基因组开发的球形棕囊藻种下遗传多样性分子标记的适用性... 61

2.4.2 我国近海球形棕囊藻藻华主要由巨囊生态型引发... 62

2.4.3 我国近海球形棕囊藻种下分型地理分布特征及其与环境因子的关系... 64

2.5 小结... 66

3  我国近海抑食金球藻种下遗传多样性... 69

3.1 前言... 69

3.2 材料与方法... 69

3.2.1 藻类培养... 69

3.2.2 样品获取... 71

3.2.3 DNA的提取... 74

3.2.4 PCR扩增以及测序... 75

3.2.5 抑食金球藻特异性分子标记研发... 75

3.2.6 克隆文库构建... 76

3.2.7 数据分析... 76

3.3 结果... 76

3.3.1 抑食金球藻高分辨率分子标记的开发... 76

3.3.2 我国近海抑食金球藻种下遗传多样性和地理分布特征... 79

3.3.3 我国近海抑食金球藻不同分型地理分布特征与环境因子相关性分析... 84

3.3.4 2013年和2014年秦皇岛海域褐潮暴发期间抑食金球藻的组成... 88

3.4 讨论... 90

3.4.1 抑食金球藻高分辨分子标记的适用性... 90

3.4.2 我国近海抑食金球藻种下多样性、分布特征及其与环境因子的关系... 91

3.5 小结... 93

4  结论、创新性和展望... 95

4.1 结论... 95

4.2 创新性... 95

4.3 展望... 96

参考文献... 97

  ... 109

作者简历及攻读学位期间发表的学术论文与研究成果    111

GB/T 7714
刘超. 我国近海球形棕囊藻和抑食金球藻种下遗传多样性初探[D]. 中国科学院海洋研究所. 中国科学院大学,2022.
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