A method for determining 34 trace elements in deep-sea marine sediments and in- ternational geological samples by ICP-MS was proposed. Samples were digested in anticor- rosive efficient digestion vessel, which had a double inner arc seal design. The internal standard 103Rh was used to calibrate the trace element concentrations, and the internal standard 185 Re was selected to compensate the drift of analytical signals. Compared with previous digestion methods, this method used less acid in a good seal condition, only 1. 5 mL HF, 0.5 mL HNO3 and 0.25 mL HC104 can digest 40 mg geological samples completelyin a short time. Because the internal standard 103Rh was added process, so there was no need to dilute the digested sample to an saved a lot of time. This method detection limits are 0. 001-0.62 precisions (RSD, n=10) are less than 6.5%, and the relative err the recommend values are less than 5%, in which most are less t during the pre-treatment accurate volume, and thus 1 μg/g, the determination ors between this work and han 3%. This method can in many geological