IOCAS-IR  > 海洋环流与波动重点实验室
摘要中国对虾,墨吉对虾和长毛对虾是我国近海渔业捕捞和养殖业中最重要的经济种。由于它们早期生活史阶段形态的极大相似性,尤其在三种对虾都有分布的南方海区,其幼体和仔虾的鉴别非常困难,因而影响到对虾早期生活史阶段生态补充和资源管理等的研究。本文报道了中国对虾,墨吉对虾和长毛对虾幼体及仔虾发育的形态变化及其比较研究结果,为有关研究提供了准确的种类鉴别依据,以便我国对虾资源补充研究及其合理的开发利用建立在更加科学的基础上,使捕捞产量保持持续增长。本文所依据的材料均为作者分别在厦门、湛江和青岛等地对虾育苗实验中亲自培育所获,通过对大量标本的观察、测量和比较研究,纠正了以往报道中的错误。中国对虾自第2期 状幼体开始就可以与其他2种相区别。其第2期 状幼体眼上刺不分叉,第3期 状幼体第1,2腹节背中刺较小,糠虾幼体5对步足外肢具较多的刚毛数(9根);不同于墨吉对虾和长毛对虾(眼上刺双叉型,第1,2腹节背中刺较大,糠虾体阶段5对步足外肢8根刚毛)。墨吉对虾第1期 状幼体的L1/L2(图13,B)值较大(1.7-2.0),不同于中国对虾和长毛对虾者(L1/L2<1.7)。第1-5期仔虾时,中国对虾第3颚足和5对步足外肢刚毛数较多(第5期除外),头胸甲的触角刺一直存在;不同于墨吉对虾和长毛对虾。第6或7期仔虾开始3种对虾可以完全分开,其主要鉴别依据是中国对虾第1触角外鞭与内鞭的比值远大于墨吉对虾和长毛对虾,墨吉对虾额角与头胸甲长度的比值明显大于中国对虾和长毛对虾。从幼体和仔虾发育阶段的形态变化,清楚地表明墨吉对虾和长毛对虾有较近的亲缘关系,它们与中国对虾的亲缘关系较远。本文还比较了以上三种对虾与日本对虾及斑节对虾仔虾的不同描述了其幼体和仔虾色素细胞的发育。
其他摘要40 from about 90 species of penaeoid shrimps recorded from the Chinese waters. About 40 species are considered to be of economic importance. Among them the Chinese shrimp Penaeus chinensis, red tail shrimp P. penicillatus and banana shrimp P. merguiensis are the most common and economically important species in both shrimp catch and culture. Because of the great morphological similarity of these three species, especially during their larval and postalarval stages, there are still difficuties and problems for distinctly distinguishing them in their early stages of life histories, which is quite important in the study of shrimp recruiment and their stock forcasting. The present study deals with their comparative morphology of larval and postlarval stages reared in the laboratory in order to provide some basis for distinguishing them. The main morphological difference of larval stages of the three species are concluded as follow (table 18): The three species can not be distinguished during the nauplii stages. In zoea I, L1/L2* (Fig. 13, A, B, C) in anttennule is about 1.7-2.0 in P. merguiensis, but in P. chinensis and P. penicillatus it is about 1.6; In zoea II, the supraorbital spines in P. chinensis are unbifurcated, while that of P. merguiensis and P. penicillatus are bifurcated (Fig. 14, A, B, C); In zoea III, there are minute (or no) dorso-median spines on the posterior margin of the 1rst and 2nd abdominal somites in P. chinensis, but for P. merguiensis and P. penicillatus, there are prominent dorso-median spines on all the abdominal somites (Fig. 14, D, E, F). In mysis I, P. chinensis differs from P. merguiensis and P. penicillatu in having 9 long plumose seta on the exopods of pereiopod 1-3, while there are only 8 in the latter two species; In mysis II and III, there are 9 long plumose seta on the exopods of 3rd maxilliped and pereiopod 1-5 in P. chinensis and only 8 (occasionally 7 on the exopod of the 3rd maxilliped in mysis II) in P. merguiensis and P. penicillatus (Fig. 15). Additionally, P. chinensis has 2 (mostly) or 1 teeth on the dorsal margin of rostrum in 3rd mysis and 2-3 in 1st postlarva respectively. P. penicillatus and P. merguiensis have only 1 in mysis III and postlarva I (Fig. 9, G, H, I; Fig. 16,A, B, C, D). The present author has found that P. chinensis is characterized by having a pair of constant unbifurcated supraorbital spines in zoea II, which has seldom been reported in other species of this genus. It is also suggested to use the number of setae on the exopod of pereoipods in mysis stages as one of the most important character, which is reliable in distinguishing P. chinensis from P. merguiensis and P. penicillatus, while this character has never been mentented by most of other authors. Besides, this difference lasts to the 4th or 5th postlarval stage when the exopods of pereoipods begin to degererate. P. merguiensis and P. penicillatus can not be distinguished excepting in zoea I during which L1/L2 value is much larger than that in P. penicillatus. As for the identification of other larval stages of P. merguiensis and P. penicillatus, the numerical taxonomy (such as discriminant analysis) is suggested. After entering the postlarval stage, the difference between these three species becomes more prominent than that of the larval stages. They are mainly summerized as follow (table 25): 1. The ratio between the carapace and body length is about 1/4 in Penaeus chinensis (table 19) and P. penicillatus (table 21), which is constant from the first to the 20th postlarva, while it decreased gradually from 1/4 in 1st and 2nd postlarvae to 1/5 in 20th postlarva of P. merguiensis. 2. After the 5th postlarva, the ratio between rostrum and carapace of P. merguiensis increases much quickly than that of P. chinensis and P. penicillatus. It reaches the highest of 1.50 in 12th postlarva of P. merguiensis, 1.10 in 16th postlarva of P. chinensis and 1.23 in 15th postlarva of P. penicillatus. However, after reaching the hightest ratio. it decreases most fast in P. merguiensis, less fast in P. penicillatus and slowest in P. chinensis, which may explain that this ratio is largest in P. chinensis, middle in P. penicillatus and smallest in P. merguiensis during their adult stages. 3. The antennal spines exist in all the postlarval substages of P. chinensis (Fig. 17), but disappear during 3rd (or 4th) - 8th (or 9th) postlarvae of P. merguiensis (Fig. 34) and 2nd (or 3rd) -6th (or 7th) postlarvae of P. penicillatus (Fig. 49). 4. The dorso-median spine on the 5th abdomen disappear from 6th or 7th postlarva of P. chinensis (Fig. 33) and P. penicillatus (Fig. 50), while disappear in 9th or 10th postlarva of P. merguiensis (Fig. 35). 5. The process at the center of posterior margin of telson appears in the 6th postlarvae of P. chinensis (Fig. 19) and P. penicillatus (Fig. 51), however, it appears 3 or 4 substages latter in P. merguiensis (Fig. 36). 6. After tenth postlarva, the ratio between the outer and inner flagellum of antennule of P. chinensis become much larger than that of P. merguiensis and P. penicillatus (table 7,8,9; Fig. 73). 7. The exopods of 3rd maxilliped and pereiopod 1-5 in postlarval stages of P. chinensis (Fig. 27) degenerates slower than that of P. merguiensis (Fig. 4, 45, 47) and P. penicillatus (Fig. 59, 60, 62). In postlarva 1-3, there are 9 plumose setae on the exopods of maxilliped and pereiopod 1-5 in P. chinensis, while only 8 or less than 8 in the latter two; In the 4th postlarva, the exopods of P. chinensis can still reach the meropodites and have plumose setae, while the latter two can not reach beyond the middle of ischium and have no setae. 8. The endopod of first pleopod appear 4 substages earlier in P. chinensis than that of P. merguiensis and P. penicillatus which appear in 11th or 20th postlarva. The present study also deal with the development of chromatophore in the three species and shows they are similar to each other during their larval and postlarval stages. A tentative key was provided for the identification of postlarva 1-22 of P. chinensis, P. merguiensis and P. penicillatus and the criteria for distinguishing the postlarval substages was presented so as to make the key more workable. P. chinensis can be distinguished from P. merguiensis and P. penicillatus during all the postlarval stage, while the latter two can not be distinguished untill 7th postlarva. The morphological difference between P. penicillatus and P. merguiensis in the larval and postlarval stages is much less than it between each of them and P. chinensis, which is similiar to the adult.
GB/T 7714
刘恒. 中国对虾、墨吉对虾和长毛对虾幼体及仔虾发育的比较研究[D]. 中国科学院海洋研究所. 中国科学院海洋研究所,1992.
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